There are 80 locations, with new information for each time of day. Golf Area B is on the far side of Wedge Island a little bit to the left. Air Sports Island Flyover Collect all the i points in the daytime, evening, and night. There is no map while you fly, but you can see your path after you finish you five minute flight. WII SPORTS RESORT ISLAND FLYOVER I POINTS LIST - WII VGA CABLE GAMESTOP Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover I Points List wii sports is a sports video game developed and produced by Nintendo as a launch title for the Wii video game console, and part of the Touch Generations. re: Island Flyover Points I have all 240 points. Follow him along his various paths (they change at depending on the time of day) to find i Points - or just use our complete guide to every single location below: Taking control of a plane, you can soar around the island for 5-minutes at a time, doing pretty much. Can anyone find me a list of the information points, instead of a useless map. Island Flyover is perhaps the most relaxing and carefree mode offered in Wii Sports Resort. Send up a flare (press 1 on the Wii-mote) and Miguel will send up an orange flare revealing his location. Hello I only miss 2 points in island flyover. Many of the points can be found with the help of Miguel, a tour guide that circles the island on several pre-set paths. To pick them up, you'll need to fly through them. What is the point of popping balloons on Wii Sports Resort Island flyover After that every person on Wuhu Island and Wedge Island holds a balloon which the player can pop by shooting lasers from the plane by pressing A or by flying into the balloon. Players have the chance to become Aces of the skies over the. There are 80 i Points to collect, and though you'll only need to collect them once for the unlockable bonus features, you'll need to collect them all a total of three times to get the Wuhu Tour Guide stamp - at Daytime, Evening and Night. Arcade aviation game using the technical capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS console, including a three-dimensional screen and Circle Pad.
Finding all of the Island Flyover i Points is no easy task.